Tomorrow "again", going to Klang Valley this month....aaahhhhh....this time for Quatery Parcel Meet. Going by bus so, oklah on the way can Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Will be stayed, "again" at Palace Of The Golden Horses since the meeting held at Putrajaya.
About Palace Of The Golden Horses, last time most of my friends "kena kacau" with all those "things"...ayoooo.....it's really frighten me la....anyone knew or heared about that??
Frankly speaking, I don't really like that hotel even most peoples would say, it's a good hotel. The environment there, quite scary la..."horses" is everywhere!!!!
Some more, hard to find food over there, have to go out since I don't like the hotel's food and of course too expensive!!
Anyway, anyhow....still have to follow whatever arrange by the company, right??
I'm just the employee...huhuhuhuhu
hej! mazddaud...maybe too many horse ghost because there were many dead horses at the racecourse nearby when the hotel was built, so no place to burry the dead horses around that area and buried on the ground of that hotel instead to strengthen the hotel foundation...hehehehe...
hej! mazddaud..wish you a blessed ramadhan el mubaraq and may you have a lot of blessings throughout the fasting month. happy 51st.national day too and may malaysia has a great future ahead...
hi danial,
hahaha....i guess you're right!!!
this time my room mate "kena kacau" with that "thing"....me??? slept like a baby...dah tak ingat dunia..hahhahah
thank you for the wished....
hantu kuda ke?
it is normal, and i do not like that hotel as well - too isolated.
just those who are filthy rich, and do not know where to spend theirs.
so next time, when you want to go there, wear a cow-girl like attire.
yehaaaa ... the horse-ghost will not dare to close by.
hahahah....boleh jadi juga hantu kuda tu...dah terlampau banyak sangat patung kuda kat sana...kalau tak ada hantupun tempat tu dah memang seram la..
kalau nak harap duit sendiri, memang tak hingin pun nak duduk kat hotel tu....actually, their corporate rate is really cheap la....
cow-girl attire....hmmmmm, very good ideas....ha...ha..ha...
Salam Maz,
Kalau kja duduk kat hotel ni, sampai ke siangnya kja x leh nak lelap!!
salam kak ja,
isshhh....yg peliknya, dlm semua org dok cerita mcm2, saya pula lebih2 lelap kat sana...ha..ha..ha...
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