new sneaker! why i called it the best thing in this world??? because i got it for free!!! he..he..he..
actually my bro went to US last month...since now is summer sales...i asked him to buy the sneaker for me...when i asked how much should i pay..he said no need lah...and of course my answer is "thank you so much"!!..he...he..he.."orang berbudi kita berbahasa"...and one more thing "terima kasih daun keladi"...kalau boleh bagi la lagi..ha..ha..ha...anyway, again... thank you very much bro!!
dah ada kasut tu, ingatlah2 bersenam, jogging ... heh..heh..heh :-)
huhuhu...tau la lemak2 dah terkumpul byk ni..oklah2 nanti nak pi jogging... tapi sebelum tu nak jogging dalam mimpi dululah..ha..ha..ha...
p/s: ishhh..rasanye org kat sana pun kena jogging gak kot...asyik hantam apple pie je lately...ha..ha..ha..
hej! mazddaud...whoaahhhh...bought the shoes in USA! must be great sneaker...enjoy...
hi danial, bro "sayang" me lohh..that's why he don't mind carried the sneaker from there...
enjoy....i will..i will..thanks.
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