sebenarnya baru 2 hari pasang braces for my teeth :)..ia la dah gigi tak cantik cam orang, pada org yg pernah guna braces atau pernah tengok org sekeliling pakai braces mesti taukan cam mana seksanya nak makan or even nak bercakap dalam 1 @ 2 minggu pertama tu.......kalau boleh, rasa tak nak buka mulut!!(hehehe..padan muka, sendiri pilihkan!)
so, for this past 2 days inilah satu2nya makanan yg mampu di telan (really telan tau..dah tak boleh kunyah!)

today even worst, dalam mulut dah jadi ulcer...but as what my friend said.....nak gigi cantik punya pasal tahan jelah....hehehehe.....
the braces that i'm using is clear this..

kira oklah, others people won't see it clearly.....anyway, my boss asked me, why you use braces now? not at young age? my answered is simple, masa dulu tak ada duit...dah kerja baru ada duit....betul la kan...duit sendiri tak ada org boleh cakap apa kan!!
this braces will stay with me at least a year as what my dentist said, my case not serious...orait la tu, most people have to put it about 2 or 3 years...
waaaaaa...makin sakit la....have to take painkiller now!!
hej! mazddaud...hhhmmmm...from the pic, your teeth(?) look ok...well, not yours i unlucky me that i have not had a chance to put the, may you get use to it and take need orthodental tooth brush then...
hi danial,
ha..ha..ha...of course the pic not mine, just the same braces...if like that no need braces anymore loh...
well, already got my orthodental tooth brush...rasa macam org cacat pula sekarang, since need special equipment...he..he..he..
anyway, thanks...
sabo je la ye.
sedapnyaaaa makan ayam goreng ni... heh...heh..
ye lah tu...."nak gigi cantik"..."nak gigi cantik"...X1000...(keep telling my mind)....ok, apa sangat la ayam goreng tu banding dengan "gigi cantik"...ha..
hehehe..nak jadi evil mcm azizi..
sedapnya ayam ni..lalalalalala :P
btw..inah pun nak pi scaling gg..tapi scaling jer..lepas scaling makan mcm biasa jugek..huhuhuh
hi inah, welcome to my blog....
waaaaa...azizi dah ada geng..."nak gigi cantik".."nak gigi cantik"...ok, tak tergoda dah...he..he..he..
well, bagus buat scaling ni....dulu masa study buat free malas nak pergi, sekali sekala je pergi pun....but now i have to pay for least rm50 each session..padan muka!
inah as goverment servant mesti free kan kalau buat kat klinik universiti...jeles ni..ha..ha..ha..
nyam nyam nyam ...
makan sedap2 ..makan ..makan..
huhuhuhu....jangan la evil sangat, kasihani la org kat sini sama...dah macam tak tahan daulat ni...4 hari asyik telan benda sama je..:(
hmmmmm....porridge pun sedap should try...he..he..he..
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